
Protan Stålskinne uten pigg

Lengde 2m (200 lm pr pall)

Part #39000023

Main Image

Color : Silver

Length : 2

Thickness : 1.5

Width : 0.03

Protan Steel bar is a 1.5 mm cold-form, zinc-coated steel profile used in fixing the parapet. The steel bar provides good air sealing and linear distribution of wind forces, as well as reducing the risk of point loads in welds and fasteners. The strength and rigidity of the bar ensure that horizontal and vertical forces acting on the roof covering are transferred to the bar as an evenly distributed load. Protan steel bar is primarily used in parapets with flip plum placed at the breaking point. The bar complies with European Standard EN 10346:2009.

Protan Steel Bar system is primarily used for linear fastening in the parapet at the breaking point at the transition between horizontal and vertical roof surface. The steel barprovides good air sealing and linear distribution of wind forces, as well as reducing the risk of point load on welds and fasteners. The strength and rigidity of the bar ensures that horizontal and vertical forces acting on the roofing are transmitted to it as an evenly distributed load.